Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Eating the animate alphabet

In the world of dull dinners - and I've fallen into a funk, creatively; meaning I'll have to go through my immense collection of cookbooks for inspiration soon - this intrigues me. His project, as he says, is to eat his way through the alphabet - in a carnivorous fashion (apologies to my vegetarian friends). Of course, for a vegetarian, this would be far too easy - but, off the top of my head, I would stall out after beef, chicken, fish, and lamb (sheep?) - unless I got to count different breeds (Angus, chickens? mutton and lamb?). He starts with 'ants'. I'll keep reading.

And of course, in my daily trawl of the online newspapers, I couldn't resist clicking here. It's the new exhibit at the Barbican and I will definitely be checking it out - with much glee - next time I'm in London...

newspapers...sometimes, aside from the news-like bits, they're okay.

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