Tuesday, January 06, 2009


I like the number - mostly even and a little odd. Though I suppose odd where it counts.

Christmas without my family is odd too. And 2008 particularly so since I couldn't even picture everyone gathered around the tree at my parent's house, eloquently expressing how much they missed me. We were all spread about. And yet, we had a cosy and lovely Christms with very good friends - Nasser cooked Christmas lunch to a 'T'. Our turkey's name was Bob - he just looked like a Bob sitting there in the fridge. He was a white, free-range, organic turkey from some lovely people at the farmer's market in town. Roasted for many hours, dressed with herbs from our allotment and a generous massage of butter - he would have made Dickens rewrite A Christmas Carol to give the Cratchits a turkey rather than a goose. Logan and Laila thoroughly enjoyed the Christmas scraps - and their celebratory tin of tuna.

I didn't make it to mass this Christmas, but I did read the Christmas story - and A Christmas Carol just to cover all bases. Oh, and I did listen to the carol and 'lesson' service from Oxbridge - I can't remember which it was. Nas even got into it and proposed a sympathetic reading of ol' Scrooge as a man soured by grief more than avarice. Nothing like taking apart the classics for Christmas eve!

What I did in 2008
1. Finished my PhD
2. personal growth...blah blah blah

1. Find employment that does not contain the words 'customer' or 'service' anywhere in the title
2. personal growth blah blah

Personal growth seems to be the topic of a lot of these blog thingies. I'm not one for 'Personal Development Plans (PDPs)'.

2009: C'mon!!
2009: Get it yerself!
2009: with a vengeance.
2009: ...

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