Monday, June 01, 2009

Summer sunshine

I have the most aggravating sunburn: right over my bum where my shirt obviously rode up past my jeans while I was digging in the garden last weekend. It is turning to a tan - rather pointlessly since I don't make it a habit to wear mid-riff bearing tops - but is peeling and itchy right now. And of course, helpfully, it's positioned exactly where my waistband needs to be. The rest of my burn seems to have peeled off - yummy, I know. And the weather remains amazing - the best sunshine and temperature I've seen since we landed (so to speak).

We have a new LYS (Local Yarn Shop) in Leeds, which is very exciting. I spent last night finishing a scarf for Nas and starting a shawl with some lovely soft yarn I picked up in Scotland back in April. I have just figured out why it wasn't working so will be spending tonight unpicking it and starting again. I understand this is common - at least, for beginners!

Our allotment is prepared to burst into bloom as well - we spent the whole weekend digging, levelling, planning, and planting. Right now, I'm thinking fondly of the salad crops we should have in a few weeks. Yesterday, we also planted sweetcorn. Alas, no taters this year and hopefully by some judicious rotation, we will avoid the blight that claimed our tomato crops last year.

Good god, what a dull blog this has become!

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