Thursday, September 10, 2009

open day

Open Day on campus today - these happen every year at the same time and every year I forget about them until I get to campus where the quiet serenity of the summer is shattered prematurely by A-level students and their parents strolling confusedly around, clutching maps and the university prospectus. Luckily, I snagged a table outside in the blazing sunshine at my coffee spot and so wasn't embittered by having to sit on the steps.

I had a novel experience this morning: turning down teaching. It's a funny position to be in: I have a great schedule this year, loads of teaching and enough time to get research done, but I hate to turn anything down because I'm only secure until next July... So I end up sending very strange notes turning down teaching but asking to be kept in mind.

The weather has turned absolutely beautiful - from what I can see through the windows *sigh* Two more weeks of the library before turning directly into the teaching term: which I'm really looking foward to, in spite of the fact that due to scheduling, I will effectively be living alone for a semester - at least during the week. I've got everything from Renaissance lit to the Victorian 'sensation novel' - which is really revenge tragedy straight through to revenge tragedy... lovely! And no Hamlet! Joy of joys! Plus a conference on The Wire at the end of November. Good times ahead.


リチャード スミス said...

Sounds pretty sweet -- especially the securing a table part. You know, I was looking through some gawd-awful poetry of mine from back in the day, and found one I wrote about you while waiting at the corner coffee-shop. Pretty interesting to reread the stuff.

Anyway, hope you survived the 'open-house' day.

kaley said...

ah the corner coffee shop... I occassionally go through old writing - it's always a funny process of wincing and feeling protective of my younger self.