Monday, March 17, 2008

heart-breakers and life-takers

At least it isn't the perenially adorable and always vulnerable harp seal pups this time - no Sir this-an-that to wax on about the barbaric disruption to nature by a bunch of barely civilized, provincial hacks - but my homeland 'strong-and-free' is in the Guardian again. And I kinda like how it's still stuck on some time-honoured phraseology of Canada - 'The Dope Rush'; all we need is a modern day Robert Service and a memorable poem or two about 'The Cremation of Dan the Dope-head' or the 'Ballad of the Border Guard' and were right back in those halycon days of yore.

Ah - "nice, peaceful, dull Canada" - excuse me while I get my true north rage on.

On second thought, never mind. I'm tired, at work, and there is too much pap in this article to be particularly bothered about it. In passing, I'm particularly interested in the depiction of British Columbia as populated entirely by loggers - I'm assuming that, for this reporter, these are the 'ordinary folk of western Canada'. Apparently, they talk little, are good with their hands, and fall naturally from felling trees to organized crime.

I've got to find another daily...

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