Wednesday, September 17, 2008

All play and no work

My week off work is speeding by faster or at least as fast as when I'm at work for half the day. By 'work' I mean work - as in things I do not for fun but for financial remuneration. Then there is my work by which I mean my work, my research, my writing, my teaching, my studies - things that I do for which I am paid but gladly do and resent being pulled away from by the other kind of work.

We've learned the very nasty twist to potato blight - the taters don't keep. Oh they look good - all shiny and white when cleaned up, innocently sitting in their hessian sacks looking perfectly ready to hibernate like well-behaved little taters until needed. But turn your back and they melt into a stinking oozy mess. It's unpleasant. The tomatoes are, alack the day, affected as well. We saved a bunch of green ones to try our hand at chutney or pickle only to find that they too melted away overnight. It's like gardening in hell. I can kind of picture how devastating it would be to rely on these fickle veggies for life and breath - carefully stacking them away only to find a black puddle of yuck in the larder a few weeks later. Evil evil blight.

Well, back to the intellectually, spiritually, if not financially (yet) rewarding WORK.

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