Friday, September 12, 2008

fear and loathing

So Sarah Palin believes that 'smaller democratic countries that are invaded by a large power' should receive an immediate smackdown from the US military might. This from an interview that was supposed to refute her lack of foreign policy experience. What it shows instead is a staggering lack of self-awareness of the less-glorious history of American military intervention.

Oh wait - democratic countries. Right. Because countries that aren't democratic - or aren't toeing the American line of 21st century economically-driven democracy (that implicitly benefits US market forces) - don't particularly require assistance - or whatever illegal occupation that might go on needs no comment.

This woman scares me.

But in other news, I've finally finished and submitted an article - ripped mercilessly from my thesis. Now I just wait to get it back with editor's marks nearly obliterating my poor text ...

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