Monday, October 06, 2008

To quote Calvin...

...the days are just packed. My constant disbelief at the passage of time seems to be a regular feature on this my blog. But - OCTOBER?! When did that happen?? As Nas commented this morning on our way to campus - 'I'm a doctor!'. That still hasn't worn off on me, even though I appeared on the pass list back in January and got my purdy degree in print in July.

Packed with what? Teaching has started - so that's five mornings a week - and the library still eats my time up every afternoon. Luckily, it's quite busy these days with the students back and such. At least the afternoons pass quickly enough. We had a totally successful surprise party at our flat last weekend - in addition to our first ever party in the UK, it was a double surprise party for two friends' birthdays. Facing down the clean-up the next morning, however ... nah - totally worth it. So sucessful indeed that we're already planning the sequel - '6 Degrees of the Doctor' - for Halloween!

And I saw a fox! I'm not sure where he lives - I don't know that it's a he either, but I've called him Mr Fox so 'he' it is for now - but we saw him the other night come into the parking lot of our flats and sniff about. He is beautiful: lovely white-tipped, bottle-brush tail. I hope he gets lots of rats and lives well. With all the students around ours, there should be loads of fine rubbish to be had!

We also saw Die Welle (spoilers on that link) at the local rep cinema - always excellent. They have a cat named Tibbs (whom Nas and I call, rather unimaginatively, Oscar) that lives there. Proper theatre cat. Anyway, the film - yes, Die Welle: interesting if very predictable. But interesting nonetheless - mostly for the very cool houseboat of the lead character, with its conceptual art on the walls, and pristine lake outside. I also just really really like listening to German. I must learn. Add that to my days!

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