Tuesday, January 08, 2008


This will be a great year. I am sure of it. I'll admit that my resolution - not to allow myself to become overly anxious on a daily basis - has already been tested: by the stressed-out students at the library, by the train on the way home from BSECS in Oxford, by going to BSECS in Oxford rather than just coming home after Christmas, by new jobs and old jobs, by the fact that bills in any form make me break out in a cold sweat even before opening the envelope... But in spite of all that, it's going to be a great year.

Cause it was a wonderful Christmas - admittedly, it was a strange Christmas. I haven't been home with just my parents and sister since I was about three years old. The house was so quiet. But it was lovely nonetheless - dad and I found the most perfect tree, which exactly fit the traditional tree-corner (well, as traditional as possible as it was only the third Christmas in my parents' new house!); mum still made the same amount of Christmas food - which meant loads of extras for us! And we got to plan my sister's wedding - well, I got to offer jewels of wisdom that may or may not make it to the final cut... And the completely girly joy of shopping for dresses...! Nothing like a summer wedding to keep me running this year (August = bare arms...).

Classes start in two weeks.

Other resolutions:
* publish thesis as articles
* become model of multitasking, organized academic not unlike supervisor
* become stunning example of fitness and poise
* listen more/talk less
* read A LOT

Realistic. Definitely.

I also didn't get to see nearly enough of people in Canada - I never do really. My big huge impossible resolution will be to sort out how to make Canada and England closer together - geographically I mean. OR rob bank - buy island - forcibly move all friends and family to island where we live happily ever after. Possibly change first part to 'win lottery'? I should start playing...

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