Friday, May 11, 2007

It's my party...

Kind of... four of my friends were born in May too. So we're having one big party. I'm the only gemini though - so I'm of two minds about it all...

Nas is making a cake as we speak - he even went out and bought silly decorations - little animal shapes and marshmallows. It's not a bunny cake, I'll admit, but still very sweet. He did make me a birthday bunny cake the first year we were here - best cake a girl could have, right sis?

I'm making lovely dippable things - perfect for eating while holding a drink. And sushi and Spanish tortilla - both culinary memories of good friends who live far away now.

And moi? I am dying my hair - for the party, you see. I found a bunch of old henna blocks from Lush (oh how I love Lush!). I forget what colour they were supposed to be though so the result may be a surprise: either red or chestnut, I think. Or nothing; it's hard to tell with henna. I used to dye my hair crazy colours on purpose. There was the last day of exams in my third year at Queen's - bright bright purple (I'm not sure why - I wasn't an engineer). My flatmate's parents came to pick her up that afternoon - mid-dye; they'd never met me before - I'm not sure what kind of impression I made. I distinctly recall not caring though! Then there was the summer of peroxide blonde...with fire-engine red fringe. Oh how my grandmother trembled for the future! Henna tends to leak green - I wouldn't mind if my hair turned out green - dark green preferably. I could claim I was turning into the Hulk.

Back to the present: perhaps I will dress up and take a photo of me at my party with my hair. Here is one of what I look like mid-process:

(fast forward to)

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