Friday, July 27, 2007


It's been a good while since I posted anything. I think spending all day in the library squeezing out writing puts a damper on doing more writing on my blog. Too much typing. And nothing very exciting has happened lately that I feel must be communicated.

Just writing writing and more writing - read, revise, read, revise... But it's coming together (I hope). I have a meeting with my supervisor on Monday - almost my last before handing in.

Other things that I have been up to:

- running up hills (much more difficult than running along the canal)
- contemplating working for a living
- contemplating how much council tax will take out of my paycheque come January
- trying to work out how to renew my passport and my visa in time for October
- hoping that the rain will ease off before everything in my garden rots on the vine
- reading Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

I realised (again) this morning how little I am aware of the world outside my library office. It's kind of ridiculous. I know I can read newspapers online but I miss the morning clutter of the breakfast table with tea, food, and newspapers.

It's very nearly August.


Troy D'Hondt said...

Are you guys staying in the UK after you graduate? It sounds like you've made it a home. Kind of makes me sad but if you are enjoying yourself there.

kaley said...

Ah The Question...we really don't know - but yes, it is home, and we love it here. We are going to try to stay for a few years definitely - pay off our loans in GBP! Canada will always be home too though.