Monday, July 30, 2007


So my passport will expire in January. According to travel regulations, this means that I cannot travel anywhere between now and then without a new passport. So really, a passport is valid for 4 1/2 years, not five. At any rate, this wasn't so much of a problem - the Canadian High Embassy here in the UK has a decent turn-around time; I've got all the forms and such...and then... the Guarantor problem hit me full on.

I have met wonderful people in Leeds - none of them, it transpires, are qualified to back up my claim that I am who I am. I'm down to spending £70 at the notary public's office or asking my dentist (who may try to charge me more...). Using the notary public would make that section of the form worth more than the entire passport. The cheek!

The sun has finally returned to this island - It's glorious outside. We helped a friend move house on Saturday and far from the rain we were dreading, it was actually hot and sunny. I drove for the first time in England as well! Only about 1/2 mile from the rental place to our friend's block of flats. It was exciting. And scary. And not necessarily something I'll try again in a hurry. I hadn't anticipated the difference of sitting on the other side of the vehicle in terms of having to negotiate the size and dimensions. It's one thing to work the stick with my left hand, to remember to look over my left shoulder to check behind - these things came pretty naturally. But having to remember that the bulk of the van was to my left...that was interesting. Luckily, another friend found the van much less intimidating than she imagined and so took over the driving responsibilities with native grace.

And as the sun is out - I'm off to the garden.

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