Friday, July 06, 2007


I have spent the last week, on and off, trying to make meringues (as I mentioned, rather self-righteously, in a previous post). I went through half a dozen egg whites and most of my precious caster sugar in my attempts. For something 'dead easy', I made a mess of it twice. See I've got this nostalgia for meringues - when I was little, Nonna used to make these gorgeous meringue-and-chocolate cookies at Christmas. They were the culinary highlight (for me) in a sumptuous Christmas dinner. I remember the Christmas after she died they weren't there on the table and I missed them and I missed her.

Now I can make them myself - the trick is beating the egg whites and sugar far longer than I thought necessary.

I remember one summer when my friend was away, with her family, on a summer holiday. I'd gone up to their house to check on their cat, Gables, the mail, the house in general - as you do. I'd biked up the hill and it was a hot day - I was planning on biking back home straight away. But when I got there, Nonna was there, staying at their place while they were gone. I don't know how old I was - young, young enough to feel that I was doing something very responsible and grown up in checking on their house. Nonna had been a fixture of my life but I don't think we had ever talked, like two people, rather than grandmother and small child. She invited me in, had made lemonade or iced-tea, and we sat outside and talked. And she told me about moving to Canada, and her husband, and my friend's mum growing up; about music and food; and I talked about school and my bike, soccer, and my friend (her granddaughter). The sun was hot but we sat out on the stone patio under the shade from a big ol' maple tree that held up our treehouse. It's strange that I don't remember more, I suppose - just flashes that sometimes I think might be from a dream. But it's one of my favourite memories.


Anonymous said...

Meringues are indeed harder to make than one thinks, though I've more or less got it down, including lighting up a butane torch to cook them a bit at the end.

Was Nonna your German Grandma? I don't think so, as it should be Opa or something like that, but just asking, as I still remember fondly your Grandma asking me to take my cap off in German and me being slightly too nervous to understand correctly, despite the obvious connection.

Anyway, there's something bitter sweet about such nostalgia, and doing something that you so fondly remember others doing for you. It can be mildly painful, in a good way, but very therapeutic in another.

kaley said...

Nonna was actually Gisele's italian grandmother - my grandma is just grandma! It's certainly not painful nostalgia, I agree - I love cooking and I know she did as well - though i'm no where near as good a cook as she was - or as Linda, her daughter - Gisele's mum - is.

Mic said...

hey kaley, my mom forwarded me the link so i could read your post about nonna and the meringues...its a really nice story you wrote, and to be honest ive never been so jealous before. jealous that you have such a vivid memory of nonna.
you will have to make the meringues for everyone next christmas okay?
love you lots,

kaley said...

I wish it was vivid - but it's not - I can't remember a lot of what she said. It's strange to be jealous of a memory - I am often, especially about my other grandmother (mum's mum). But yes, I'll make meringues at christmas! Miss you Mic - will I see you in August?

Mic said...

im not sure if we will have the chance to go to leeds, but if you arent too busy it would be great if you could come to london, id love to see you!
miss you to!

kaley said...

Nah - we'll come to London.