Saturday, August 18, 2007

Gone dancin'

So we're gearing up to go dancing tonight. I understand that in some people's lives this is a common occurence that doesn't bring on the slightly awkward teenage fluttery feeling of going properly 'out'. But to me, dancing has all of the potential for disaster as a blind date but without the benefit of being seated most of the time. It's not that I'm sedentary - okay, actually, I am pretty sedentary. I do run. I will play frisbee in the park or get down to some serious back-breaking work in the garden. But enjoying time with friends and a delicious drink, to me, has never really included throwing myself about the dancefloor. Likely because I'm just not so graceful up there. Seriously, those few years of dance lessons had absolutely no impact on my ability to co-ordinate arms and legs in any approximation of 'dancing'. I vaguely recall 'dancing' during my undergrad in Kingston - but dancing in Kingston in the 1990s involved a lot of swaying and arm-work with little actual movement (usually because of a packed dance floor) - a kind of variation on the white-man-shuffle. It was a bit ethnic, a bit hippie, and, when sufficient units of alcohol were consumed, definitely alluring...I think.

Of course, we're going to the Fab Cafe - which isn't even quite in the city. It's a film and television themed club and is honestly quite relaxed and definitely (decor-wise) stuck somewhere between the 1960s and the 1980's idea of the 1960s. Which is handy as my dancing is firmly stuck somewhere in the 1980s.

I'm thinking of wearing sequins. But I'm remembering that the last time I wore my sequined top, I'd overestimated how 'willowy' my frame was and cut my under-upper-arms to shreds on my shirt. I think I used to have the kind of wardrobe that might indicate that I went out dancing regularly - oh my gold and silver lame velvet shiny pants that required me to lie down to zip them up...

Anyway, I'm just milking the situation really. It'll be great. I should take pictures. At least that way, there won't be any pictures of me.

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