Saturday, June 28, 2008

5 is the number

Nasser and I have been married for five years today. In that time, we've moved across the ocean, started and finished our PhDs, lived in two different houses in one city, traveled, started growing our own veg, taken in two cats, found an amazing circle of people whom we count as friends and family - and kept every single one of our vows...oh, except the one about coffee cause now we drink tea!

My grandparents have been married 62 years this October. That makes our little time together lost in a vast sea of experience and living. My parents got married in 1972 - which means when they had me, they had been married for five years too.

At least once every 3/4 months someone asks me how I knew Nasser was 'the one'. Truth is, I didn't; I'm still not sure that I believe in 'one' person for everyone - cosmic pairs, yin-yang and all that rubbish. We both took a leap. The same leap someone takes in moving in with someone, in making that first gesture - a smile, a phone call, the first bridge across a chasm of pretended indifference. There are so many places to fall down and I am so lucky to have found Nasser - not 'someone like Nasser' - actually Nasser.

Five years - and I would live every moment again just to end here, in front of a screen 5,000 miles from where we started, Nasser snoozing on the sofa behind me, our small cat curled on the bookshelf; a moment and space of certainty.

1 comment:

Troy D'Hondt said...

Congrats you two. :) I also didn't notice that your anniversary is exact one month after Firda and mine.