Monday, June 16, 2008

Body, soul, and honest lies

Spent the weekend in our allotment - a reanimating and refreshing break for body and soul. Thanks to a combined effort - and the unflagging enthusiam and energy of one of our 'plot-mates' - our allotment is absolutely restorative; we should sell tickets - an afternoon of guaranteed relaxing, with the added bonus of nibbles straight from the plant. Very young broad bean leaves, still curled into bunches at the tops of the plants, are delicious. Nasturtium leaves taste of very very peppery rocket; pea shoots are wonderfully pea-like (possibly unsurprisingly!). Our salad bed doth overflow and, with a can of lager from the (very) nearby off-licence ... it's a little bit of heaven in Leeds.

Apparently, plagiarism isn't just a problem for university lecturers though I'm not sure that this case helps or hinders the effort to deter the practice. It amuses me that he falls back on the same excuse I've heard in the past - yes, it is plagiarism, but his actions weren't dishonest. Huh? Splitting hairs, methinks. It's always disappointing to see this kind of prevarication in established academics - let alone in my students.

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