Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Fat Tuesday

We realised yesterday morning that we had nearly stumbled through Mardi Gras without noticing - fortunately, the day was rescued in time. Unfortunately, we found ourselves without maple syrup ... disaster: pancakes (proper pancakes - none of these silly crepe things) must be eaten with maple syrup in our house. To do otherwise is anathema. But Mardi Gras demands pancakes! What to do?

That evening, being in high good humour for unknown reasons (I do not question these things), I set about creating dinner for Pancake Tuesday that would not draw unnecessary attention to our deplorable state of maple-syrup-less-ness. So we had savory crepes with salmon, leek, and mushroom in a white wine sauce. I made it up. And it was really really good...

And fortunately, there were crepes left over for breakfast - a very ersatz crepes suzette.

I'm not giving anything up for the next 40 days. I would inevitably fail and thus cause myself even more stress.

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