Monday, February 02, 2009


1. Snow! Loads and loads of it - well, for Leeds anyway. Canadian friends may snigger but this is the biggest snowfall I've seen in 5 years (apart from Christmases back in the true-north-strong-and-free). I walked to work in a whole new world. It's been snowing off and on all day but this morning, bright and early, before 8am - it was perfect. The library is closing early tonight and generally, the country is descending into chaos. But I walked to work and I'll walk safely back home. As a change from the rain and greyness of a Leeds February, it's nice. I even spent a good 10 minutes watching some spontaneous snow-sculpture making outside my office window - okay, it was yr standard snowman but still! Granted, being British, they were poorly dressed for the occassion but there was something very fresh and re-freshing about it. I also walked past some students who I can only assume were international from the excitement and photo-snapping.

2. I'm kind of sorry I missed this.

1 comment:

Troy D'Hondt said...

I'm kind of sad I wasn't watching the SuperBowl in Arizona either - but then I would have had to have been in Arizona and watching the Superbowl. Two things I'm not :)