Friday, February 27, 2009

Unsolved Mysteries

...actually used to terrify me when I was young.

But we've had our own unsolved mystery at ours involving a mobile phone full of water (thus broken) without any clues as to where the water came from... We woke up on Monday morning to the alarm of said mobile but when Nas reached over to turn it off, he picked it up, and water came pouring out. I'm making it more dramatic for rhetorical purposes - it didn't really pour out I suppose, but given that there shouldn't be any water in a mobile, it may as well have. The mobile had spent the night on the shelf by the bed - that is at least 2 feet off the floor. We don't keep unopened water beside the bed cos Laila and Logan see water in cups/glasses as a special treat that (presumedly) tastes much better than their water dish water. So that isn't the solution. The shelf is slatted but there was no water above - or below for that matter. It hadn't fallen into a puddle as there was no water on the floor.

Eliminating the impossible then leaves us with a scenario in which I, or Nas, turned - for one night only and without precedent - into a sonambulist, decided to wash the phone, and had the presence of mind to dry off the outside ...

In other news, we've given in - sort of - and will shortly have the interwebs at home. And Nas replaced his phone. The mystery remains unsolved.


j.j.sarha said...

Ugh, I used to watch that show as a child and it gave me nightmares. Unsolved Mysteries is one of many reasons I don't watch horror films.

Your phone is a mystery indeed. Is it possible it had got water inside it at some point before, and it only came out then? Or your cat peed on it? Or there was condensation? Something dropped from the ceiling?

kaley said...

Cat pee we would have smelt long before the morning! Condensation yes but not where the mobile was - ceiling: no cos there was no water anywhere else...

Tis a mystery still...

Troy D'Hondt said...

Unsolved Mysteries freaked me out too. Only the supernatural parts though. The serial killers and stuff didn't do too much.

And water in the phone is weird. Did he drop it in the snow and then put it in the freezer and then thaw it.

kaley said...

We hadn't considered that possibility... the snow is gone, but he could have scraped out the freezer for some late-night sonambulistic fun? ;)