Saturday, August 26, 2006

change is better than a rest

today represented the absolute last day that anyone could ever call me in to cover a shift at The Restaurant. and as fate would have it, the night manager's lovely wife has come down with a cold, leaving the poor fellow with three babies under three years old and a sickly wife at home.

so he called me.

and i, characteristically, said 'OK'

and kaley got really mad at me for a while.

but, on the plus side, this is the absolute last night ever in my life that anyone can call me in to work for them. from here on in, i'm calling the shots.

we've been moving our living room around today, and this post represents an excuse to type something at our newly re-designed, ultra ergonomic, super comfy desk/work station. i have a feeling we are going to fight over the privilege to work at this wondrous, economical, aesthetic expression of form and function.

it's time to tackle the bedroom next! but for now, i must shower and shave and get all fragrant for the poor poor customers who must endure my wrath this fine summer's eve (if they step out of line, that is).


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