Thursday, August 31, 2006


Now I'm just procrastinating...

It's unfortunate that I adore research and reading, making plans, following arguments, realising connections - I love it all. I hate writing.

No that's untrue - when it is good, it is very very good; when it is's rotten.

Actually, this isn't rotten at all. I've just been sitting here slogging it out for too long and I'm determined to get it done.

We bought Brazil and The Adventures of Baron Munchausen on Ebay last week and watched Munchausen tonight. It's brilliant. I haven't seen it in ages. I'm not sure why we're on a Terry Gilliam kick but it could be worse. I could have decided to watch every episode of Buffy The Vampire Slayer...or Firefly. Or Lost. No, I'm glad it was Munchausen - I needed some magic realism to strengthen me for my return to Vindication of the Rights of Woman!

Logan's favourite ever place to sit is directly in front of me when I'm working: curled up and purring away until I try to use the mouse or type. Then he lives up to his name and it's all teeth and claws and indignant cat being pushed off the desk. The pic is Logan ignoring me after being pushed off...

Found out today that my friend has gotten a one-year lectureship here at Leeds for this coming year - the dream is possible!

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