Friday, August 25, 2006

inane updates

It's hard to believe that it is nearly the end of August. Harder still to fully realise that we've been living here for three years - which means I am nearly finished my PhD. That is, I have one more year to finish it. Scary. Really.

Our good friend was here this morning for a farewell pancake breakfast. He's a fellow Canadian and has been a fixture in our lives (and hearts) since we moved here. I'm not good with change. We'll miss him hugely. Luckily for us, his lovely partner lives in London so it's not adieu, just au revoir. I had a wonderful English teacher in my final year of high school who struggled to teach us the basics of Conrad's Heart of Darkness. I've never forgotten understanding the finality of 'adieu' as a farewell. I haven't had to say it yet. I hope I don't have to for a long time.

Bank holiday weekend - the last of the summer - and our last weekend working at The Restaurant! New things new things new things await...

Rice and lentils await for now - and corn-on-the-cob. It ain't peaches and cream and didn't come from a dusty stand on Hwy 24 but it'll suffice. Ah...Joan Baez blarring through the wall from crazy, God-fearing neighbour...

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