Tuesday, August 29, 2006

jammy news

My jam wasn't there.

I don't know what has become of it - likely the skip behind The Restaurant. Which is a shame as I was looking forward to a nice lunch of chili jam, brie, and melba toast. Ah well. I'll have to plant peppers next year in the garden and make my own, I suppose.

Left The Restaurant for the last time just now. I went up with a friend to say goodbye to everyone and enjoy one last bottle of white wine. I will miss the people I work with - but then, I've met lovely, creative, wonderful people that I can call for a drink or chat without the soul-sogging routine of The Restaurant to mediate the experience.

My friend and I mostly chatted about Our Final Year as it approaches - slouches towards us. I think I'll be fine - I put a lot of faith in my supervisor and I know she will tell me, in no uncertain terms, if I am in trouble. Until then I shall plug away. I've recently reread the chapters I've written and been suprised by some of it - disappointed by others - but I think I might actually know what the hell I'm talking about most of the time!

In other news, London beckons in September - helping a friend move over and find a place to live. I can't say I love London - I don't have much experience of these capital cities that make Toronto look like a trapping outpost. I do adore Barcelona - would really like to spend longer in Amsterdam - and Stockholm is a warm and fuzzy place in my heart because of my little bro. Last time I was in London - nearly a year ago - I ended up with horrendous allergies aggravated by the dryness of the air in the hotel room. I ended up in the bathroom with the shower running at full heat just to get some relief! But this time, we know where to go, how to use the underground, and best of all, have lovely wonderful friends to catch up with while we're there.

Then we get to go on a road trip - British style - with some friends. This will mean little to y'all in Canada but we're going to Longleat!!! Google it, you'll be impressed - and you'll instantly see why I'm so excited. Elizabethean manor house, Tudor hedge mazes, and...safari park!!! It's also the place where they film one of my favourite telly programs - 'Animal Park'. So I already know all the animals names - like visiting old friends! It's in Wiltshire very close to Salisbury and Bath - neither of which Nasser has seen. A side trip to Stonehenge has been mooted and supported. I went there with the Dad back in 1993 - yikes, was it that long ago?! - and I love it. We were there on a gorgeous day - a bus tour out from London to Bath and Salisbury. I remember the cathedral as stunning and Bath as equally gorgeous. And, for some reason, I remember the late afternoon sunshine on the cottages around Salisbury. Now, with all my research into the 18th century, I should be...incredibly annoying to my fellow travellers... I will try to restrain the facts and historical snippets that come springing to my lips but it will be difficult!

Well, working all day tomorrow at the library down the road and all night tomorrow on my chapter...so good night sweet ladies good night good night

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