Tuesday, August 29, 2006

every time i think i'm out...they pull me back in

The Restaurant cannot stand, apparently, without me.

I'm working at The Restaurant tonight - there's simply no-one else to do it. but i'm pretty sure i've alienated the owners enough to keep them from pushing their luck much further with me.

met a Fellow whose job at the moment is to go to bars and write down what music is being played over the stereo. the data he accumulates goes into a big pool, and from that, they determine royalties for the bands. nice job if you can get it.

this Fellow had a unique ability though - i've never been asked so many questions in so short a time. in three minutes flat, he had all kinds of information about me (age, marital status, educational history, why i was quitting The Restaurant, favorite bands, the color of my socks...)

i'm kind of a private person (but who doesn't think that about themselves?), but this Fellow's method created a really interesting situation - suddenly we were all sharing information and learning all sorts of things about each other. i remember my grade 4 teacher writing on my report card 'keep asking questions, nas! it's the only way to learn.'

thank you strange Fellow, for reminding me.

kaley had a disappointing morning. she left a jar of chili jam (made for her by a man with a holy holy name) at The Restaurant - one of those 'i thought YOU picked it up' scenarios. We pray that the jam is still there when we get to work.

i don't want to wish my time away, but lord, let tonight's end come quickly.

(kaley would like to share a photo with you all - more scenes from an allotment in leeds)

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