Tuesday, November 06, 2007

i can has money plz?

I love phishing emails. It gives me a perverse pleasure to know that somewhere in the world, there are two people engaged in what I can only describe as a battle of hope and greed - the Phisher hoping that the person he/she is pumping for bank details actually HAS any money, and the Phishee hoping beyond hope that there actually is 19teen Milion United State dollars in a metallic box somewhere in the Cote d'Ivoire.

Not to mention the fact that someone is somewhere receiving a random email and thinking 'You know what, I'm just going to help this poor sod out of an obviously tight jam simply by handing over my banking details, and if I net ten percent of his fortune (like it's some kind of a tip for services rendered), well then, that's just great! Everybody wins!'

I won't even use this phrase.

I got this one today, and it's a beauty:

"Having known my condition, I decided to Contact you and Reveal to you in person Regarding my Heritage from my Late husband after my late husband brothers
has neglected me and has well sit on my late husband properties and his bank accounts."

Compare the use of third person present tense between the Phisher and the infamous LOLcat.

Perhaps I'm onto something here?


kaley said...

Is true beyond doubt!! LoL cats has teh eevul!! Wrld dominashun beguned!

Canny critters...

Anonymous said...

I can haz maggots? *g*

I'm loving the lolcatz revolution. They're everywhere these days - apparently FOB merchandise are selling a t-shirt saying "I can haz a Fall Out Boy" with a picture of a cat.

How is you, anyway? Drinks of Thursday?
