Monday, November 12, 2007


Pirates clearly either A) had some remarkable physical resistance to hangovers, B) just stayed drunk their entire lives or C) didn't have anywhere near the dissipated lifestyles we ascribe to them now. I know this because I spent Saturday night as a pirate and Sunday on the couch recovering. And I wasn't even drinking rum! I know...some pirate.

Which made today less than the greatest Monday ever. Physically, I'm completely over the hangover. The thing is, the older I get, the more I find hangovers stick around in my mind far longer than I'd like. So everything today has a sheen of frustration: the world is still a bit too sharp for me; deadlines are too pressing, I am stretched too thin. This temporary subdued state of mind was not improved by retrieving the essays I've got to mark for my classes... I take marking and teaching too personally, I think. I'm sure every missed comma or careless spelling error isn't actually personal, but it feels like it. Particularly, when I say repeatedly in class that I'm happy to look at drafts, or answer questions; when I go over again and again the correct style of referencing only to get bibliographies that look intentionally misleading. I think I'll leave them for tonight and mark them in a happier state of mind on Wednesday.

On a more positive note - we saw Persepolis on Saturday at the Leeds Film Festival. It is brilliant. I haven't read the graphic novel but Christmas is coming... (nudge nudge, family!).


Troy D'Hondt said...

If you don't get Persepolis for christmas I can lend you the two books - you'd be able to read them an hour or two sitting. I could also lend you Embroderies. Another graphic novel type book from her - more stories from Iran.

I loved the books by the way. Kind of reminiscent of the Art Spiegelman's Maus series, but without animals in the place of humans (and not quite as depressing).

kaley said...

Cool thanks Troy!! You should def seek out the film - I'm not sure if it will go on general release.