Friday, November 09, 2007

There are so many things that I mean to write about on this blog. They are, for the most part, fairly trivial things meant to feel like a conversation with my family far away: walking to work on a very windy morning, the how I made granola last night and how good it was for breakfast, ideas I have for Christmas dinner menus...things that, if I were closer, I'd send in a text, or call.

I did make granola last night - and it was, in fact, really good. Clearly, in spite of giving up those long, flowing India cotton skirts and blouses in my early 20s, I am a barking hippie. But then, I'm also a frugal one. Granola is a complete scam in the shops. I also learned a valuable lesson about baking parchment - it's only good for one go in the oven. After that, it just catches fire like normal paper... And I didn't actually have any ideas for Christmas dinner. Usually, I've had at least five fully-planned and distinct menus by the beginning of November. This year, thesis, teaching, working, and viva have taken over my brain and body almost completely. It was exceptionally windy this morning walking to the library. It's been a very blustery week and now the wind has got that November edge to it. The leaves have been ripped entirely from the trees the past week as well. That always takes me by surprise: one minute they are resisting autumn with all their arboreal might and then next, a grand surrender. I think the tree must feel a wonderful sense of relief letting all those leaves go.

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