Thursday, January 10, 2008

beyond means

We went to the champagne bar in town at the posh new Electric Press building in Millenium Square last night. It is really really nice. I could get used to that being my regular watering-hole ... someday! As the end of an otherwise kinda crappy day, it was perfect. Actually, it wasn't a crappy day - I just didn't get any sleep the night before as I had an existential breakdown due to exhaustion and decided that there was no point in being worried about anything because the vast majority of people are assholes. Why should I care? I know, really deep and profound revelations do happen at the oddest hours ... I should add another resolution:
* read positive news
The point being, I was exhausted and had to spend the afternoon at an induction meeting for the university I'm working for this semester. I'd been fixated on these woolen trousers I found in the city before Christmas and planned to buy them yesterday afternoon. They weren't there and trying on other trousers made me doubt the advisability of me being publically visible at all. I know - again, I demonstrate such poise ... I have my moments. Had I been alone, I would have crept home and gotten over it eventually. Luckily, Nasser had come with me and rather than laughing at my sudden reversion to the kind of person that I detest, talked sternly to me until returned to sense. Then we returned the world to our own norms by having some sushi.

The reason we were at the champagne bar - Epernay - and living so above our current means was to meet my new work colleagues, one of which is a very dear friend. They are lovely and I am reassured (but still nervous) about being a real university instructor out there in the wide, wierd, and wonderful world of academia. Nasser came with me - he more than deserved a expertly poured martini having finished and submitted his PhD thesis over Christmas - for which I was glad. Silly cocktails taste better in his company (and yes, if you are curious, stars sparkle more brightly and I am wittier and more brilliantly beautiful when he is there too).

Such senitmental admissions remind me of a song Nas played for me the other day - 'Every Day is Christmas'. It's online and I'm too lazy to link it here. It is THE sweetest song I've ever heard - completely without ennui, malaise, or melancholy. I love it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And do birds suddenly appear every time he is near? ;)

Glad to hear you are enjoying the glamorous lifestyle of a uni lecturer.

*continues to stalk your blog*
