Friday, October 13, 2006

Friday the 13th

It's Friday the 13th. If it was summer and I were back at home, I might be in Port Dover at one of the biggest motorcycle rallies in North America. I wonder if there were some hardy cyclists out in Dover for this one?

I forgot to report back on The History Boys (which I think is now in theatres) last weekend - and I forgot that it was Thanksgiving at home. On the play first: I really enjoyed it. It is very British and I'm not sure how well it would translate across the pond to be honest. The ending is highly problematic, in many ways, as is Bennett's treatment of women throughout. It feels very rushed and slightly tacked-on. There are I suppose, two endings really: one for the main plot and one that ties up the several sub-plots at once. Neither are particularly good and both feel like cop-outs on Bennett's part. I'll leave it there in case anyone wants to see it - or read the script.

Thanksgiving dinner ex-pat-styles was delicious. And entirely vegetarian. And there was pie left over when I got there. By his own admission, Nasser did not win the pie-off...his pastry was a bit rushed and not quite done on the bottom. I liked his best though cause the pumpkin bit was perfect. And I am thankful for too many things to list but mostly friends and family, near and far (mostly far right now but Christmas is coming!).

Laila is doing really very well - she's up and playing with a ball of wool now and loves being cuddled. Her eyes have cleared up but the spot on her right eye hasn't faded. She might have lost some vision there but it doesn't seem to bother her. Logan is showing off whenever he sees her, generally affecting to take no notice but watching her intently when he thinks no one is looking. Laila is still Queen of the Loo though and very shy about coming out into the hallway. I guess she's only been here for a week - the better part of which was spent recovering from her ordeal on the streets.

And we've booked our tickets home for Christmas! I can't believe how expensive flights are this year. But I suppose they've got us over a barrel - it's not like we've got alternative transportation available. Though we're both keen to take the boat once, just for the experience. I don't think Logan and Laila would enjoy it particularly though! And I suppose aeroplanes are massive polluters and a luxury that we shouldn't take too much for granted...(and we didn't pay for the tickets anyway...thanks grandma, papa, mum, and dad! Someday we will have real jobs and be millionaires and shower you with expensive but tasteful and environmentally sound gifts).

1 comment:

Troy D'Hondt said...

It was snowing on Friday the 13th. I doubt there were many people in Dover (especially those coming from the Niagara Falls or Fort Erie border crossing - since Buffalo and Fort Erie had 30 cm of snow).