Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Happy Hallowe'en!

I've never actually lived in a house with a front door that kids would knock on at Hallowe'en - even in Canada. All the places in Kingston and Windsor were apartments - and Brits just don't celebrate Hallowe'en. Thankfully really. It's getting a bit carried away in the homeland as I recall. Anyway, there's likely some good scary movies on tonight...but I'm going to bed early and keeping the night-light on instead (see previous entry...).

This week has begun badly. Last night, already exhausted from the night of no-sleep on Sunday, I had an asthma attack. I should explain something: I have allergy-related asthma and fall is a bad time of year as I'm allergic to damp and mold. My asthma attacks aren't life-threatening, just very very frustrating as they tend to come on before bed and keep me up cause I can't lay down without coughing. Anyway, since my lovely GP at the student practice here figured out that it was asthma and gave me some handy inhalers (geek-chic! I'm in!), it's all been sorted. In fact, I haven't needed my trusty inhaler for over a month...

And because of that, I didn't realise that both inhalers were empty until the weekend. But the only appointment I could get at student practice was yesterday and it wasn't until after the chemists were closed...you see where this is going?

Asthma attack. No inhalers. Poetic justice of some kind.

And to top it all off, data somewhere has been filed incorrectly and Nasser didn't get paid this month. Oh yeah. November...bring it on.

But on the plus side, I did get paid. Which means we can afford rent and bills this month at least! And I finished annotating Dryden's Absalom and Achitophel for my Civil War and Resoration Literature class on Thursday. Now they have absolutely no excuse for not getting it. The hardest thing this year as been trying to teach 17th century literature to students who are without even a passing knowledge of the Bible. For them, an apple is always just an apple.

And the cats have been lovely and cosy today. And it is Hallowe'en. My favourite Hallowe'en was when I went as a pumpkin. My mom made the costume and it was amazing. Her pet name for us all is 'pun'kin' so maybe that's why it's my favourite (thankfully, that was long before digital cameras so I think I'm free from fear of mum ever posting those photos - I loved the costume but I'm pretty sure it wasn't flattering!).

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