Friday, January 12, 2007

Baroness Felicia von Kittenstein and the Zeppelin

...are the nicknames I've given my cats.

I'm home! Just back from drinks with my wonderful Leeds friend at our wonderful local. I managed to get home early Thursday morning (about 3.00am) by running from the plane, dashing through customs control (thank you residency visa!), and hoofing it to the underground. I made the last train out of London with 30 minutes to spare. The flight was okay - the seat beside me was taken by a lovely woman on her way to Rome. I ended up giving her the book I'd finished (Three Day Road by Joseph Boyden - fantastic if anyone's looking for some new Canadian fiction) and she gave me a hug and wished me a wonderful future. I hope she has an amazing stay in Italy and gets home safely. I very much enjoyed talking to her.

Flights are strange that way. I like them - they feel at the best of times like a kind of pilgrimage: what better way to spend the time than telling and listening to stories?

Tomorrow it's back to The Thesis. Today we woke up very late and spent the first few hours cleaning our room of junk, unworn/old clothing and such which all went to the charity shop down the road (where we found our friend a £1 squash racquet). It's easier to breathe without all that excess over my head at night.

Currently reading: The In-between World of Vikram Lall by MG Vassanji
Currently watching: Law and Order: SVU and Buffy, season 6

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