Sunday, January 14, 2007


today at work was so boring. so much so, that i found it necessary to study on the job in order to liven things up a bit. (what did emily dickinson say about the soul-at-play? bonus points to the geek who can find the relevant text and finish the sentiment...)

apostrophe is a really neat poem/online poject. (c)lick away, clicksters, and let the era of posthuman poetry reign!

egad, i geek.


Troy D'Hondt said...

Don't get me started about work. Things are so slow at work and I am so bored. At least I'm heading to the States on Thursday. Yipee!!! (Not really though)

nas said...

I'm supposed to be going to the US in February...I'd like to learn first if they plan on taking my photos and fingerprints. I'm really not keen on going if they are.