Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Snow and other revelations

It finally snowed! Okay, there's none left on the ground, but at least it was snowing. It's not that this was the first green Christmas that I've ever experienced, (tho it was by far the warmest), but it seemed particularly eerie this year. Maybe it's just hang-over from An Inconvenient Truth, or a pervasive national guilt about dropping out of Kyoto - either way, I'm pretty sure stories that start with 'when I grew up the snow was so high...' are no longer exaggerations - or the product of an increasingly faulty memory (blame the dissertation, not age!).

And I've become comfortable with the fact that I like Beyonce's 'Irreplaceable'. Even outside of the gym. I may have to put it on my little MP3 player for those chilly walks to campus...

In other news, I'm still in Canada. My teeth turned against me suddenly the night before Nas and I were due to fly home.

Changing my flight: $228
Emergency root canal: $700
Incredibly powerful painkillers and assorted Tylenols: 6-7

The relief when my gorgeous, wonderful, lovely dentist finally gave me a shot of local anaesthetic: priceless

Believe me when I say I have stories about British dental care - at least my own experiences of it - but at least when I called my British dentist with my emergency last spring, I was in the office and he'd frozen the offending tooth toot sweet. The dental clinics here at homesweethome list 'emergency appointments' in their yellow-page adverts but when I called the receptionists calmly explained that their 'emergency appointments' were filled up for the day. Huh?!

Thankfully mum's dentist - who shall henceforth be known as the enamel angel - agreed to shift round her schedule and see me that day (the day I should have been on the aeroplane home!).

Other revelations: Christmas is great, my family is amazing; winter just isn't the same and whatever happened to seasons?

Oh yes, Catan is a great game - particularly when you've friends like ours to play. Thanks all for a great holiday - I miss you all already.

And - how 'bout a Simcoe website to go with the Simcoe party? I know a pretty amazing web-designer...


Troy D'Hondt said...

Catan!!! Firda and I were in Catan withdrawl so we had to run out and get the 2 player Catan card game. It's pretty good, but no more than 2 players Catan.

And are you talking about Firda (aka the web-designer)? We'd need more info :)

nas said...

yeah I was talking about Firda - Caiti has this idea for a Simcoe party in T.O. and I thought a website of our friends webpages and pics from the party might be fun...