Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Laila's Very Bad Day

Laila had a Very Bad Day yesterday. It began, like most mornings, with her people getting up and having tea. But then she was unceremoniously captured and stuffed in her basket. I do hate putting her in there - she cries as soon as the door closes. And doesn't stop crying until she gets to the vet where I can almost see her little voice freeze up with fear. She pooped in her cage while we were in the cab - thankfully, the cabbie was a pet-owner himself and very understanding. The vet took her temperature which just can't be fun anyway, said how small ('titchy') she was, petted her and stuffed her back in the basket again. Then I had to leave her there. Poor little thing!

I walked back up to Meanwood to fetch her later in the afternoon. It was a beautiful day actually and the walk was lovely. Since we stopped working in Headingley, I've stopped walking up that way.

At any rate, I got to the vet's just in time for the appointment (it's a 45 minute walk!) - poor Laila! She hadn't come round from the anaesthetic as quickly as they thought she would. She was swaying and weaving like a public-school boy on a five-day freshers week bender. Her foreleg was shaved and she had a big bald patch with the incision on her side. She woozled around the house all evening - much to my amusement and Nasser's dismay (he's got a bit of a soft spot for this one) - but wasn't sick and didn't worry at her stitches.

Also, I made my first loaf of bread - from Hugh Fernley-Wittingstall's The River Cottage Family Cookbook. It was beautiful and likely the most rewarding cooking experience I've had in ages. Not matched tonight alas - I just cannot get the hang of latkes...

Oh and Laila has fully recovered. Here is a picture of my amazing bread (with sundried tomato and black olives...) and Nasser's banana bread (we don't have a loaf tin so it's more of a cake-shape).

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