Tuesday, February 27, 2007

This is Tuesday

We went for a run in the rain this morning - not driving sleet or anything but we were soaked by the time we got home. The biggest trouble with running in the rain - for myself and the Tortise anyway - is glasses getting wet and fogging up. We decided, in light of this, to run a well-known loop of 25 minutes. Nas is residing on the couch at the moment as he managed to pick up a nasty bug on Sunday night when we were out with a friend who was just recovering from being flu-ish. I'm home spoiling him today - and just not feeling like walking all the way to my office in the rain only to sit there and read. May as well spoil myself a little and read in the comfort of my own lounge.

I just got notice that the library has the new Patricia Meyer Spacks book waiting for me: Privacy: concealing the eighteenth-century self. That will get me to campus tomorrow! There is no irony here - I'm can't wait. Plus it's a book that I suggested the library buy...ooh, the power.

It just struck me that I haven't read a paper in yonks. I have no idea what is going on outside of my street (nothing at the moment) and the university campus (well, at least the small world between the School of English, my office in the library and the sandwich shop over the road...). I'm assuming that everything is ticking along.

Well...I should get back to my sick husband and finishing the book I'm reading at the moment (re-reading actually - Gallagher's Nobody's Story: the vanishing acts of women writers in the marketplace, 1670-1820). My friend just posted a meme about reading that I was going to answer and put up on my blog - then I realised that I don't read for pleasure anymore... *sigh* someday...

I'm making polenta for supper and using up the last of last week's vegbox. There's a rind of provalone in the fridge and a sad little quarter of white cabbage that I've been saving. Some carrots and parsnips, roasted to summer-sweetness, should perk him (and us!) right up. Oops...I seem to be channeling Nigel Slater's less-erudite doppelganger...sorry.

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