Tuesday, March 20, 2007


I've discovered something even more fascinating than blogging. Yes, in spite of all my blustering about joining something on which my students could find out personal and embarrassing details about me (such as spelling errors and favourite movies), I've joined Facebook.

I love it.

I also discovered that I absolutely love making lists of things about me. Which is why my personal file on said website is bigger than anyone else's that I've come across.

I think I'm going to have to work on my CV before applying for any jobs, alas. Unless they will humour me by listening to the things I'd like to publish - or would have published if I didn't have to hold down two jobs during my degree just to pay rent! So rather than spend time applying now, I'm going to spend time writing articles out of my thesis. It does beat trying to come up with a first line for my introduction. I have about twenty false-starts for that already...

It's snowing and sunny today, bizarre, yes. Tonight, there is fun planned - we're meeting up with some friends from the old workplace. I am being especially virtuous today to make up for it though: I ran for 30 minutes this AM, I'm spending the afternoon bashing my head against my desk in the library, and I'm going to pilates this evening.


Anonymous said...

hi. you might like www.listography.com for list writing and sharing...

Anonymous said...

Facebook is pretty fascinating. I'm not sure what I think of it yet, to be honest. I feel like it's incomplete... perhaps because it doesn't have the blog component most SNSs do. True, you can technically blog under the 'notes', and can import your blog, but hey. The cool part is how many people I've been able to get in touch with that I haven't spoken to in literally 15 years. Amazing. Oh, and it's how I found this blog.