Friday, March 16, 2007

Me, me, ME!

Ah the last day of term...teaching finished for the meanwhile...a seemingly endless succession of days without students in my office, gym, or library...

The weather's gotten cold again. I was hoping for a nice clean March - in like a lion, out like a lamb. I suppose it is only the middle of the much-misaligned month. I'll give it another chance. The garden's not quite ready for planting yet.

I haven't yet heard from the panel I applied to at this year's RMMLA conference in Calgary. Alas, I think that means they're trying to find a way to gently let me down. Nas, on the other hand, was accepted to a very exciting-looking conference in Maine next fall on Literature and Science. Yeah, I'm a bit jealous. His research is so much sexier than mine...

The Bulgarian Bullet and I went to our first regular pilates class since our course finished at the beginning of the week. It was awesome. And way harder than our beginner stuff! My shoulder has been acting up - I'm writing my introduction - and pilates does help. Nas pointed out yesterday that I sleep with my head off the pillow, which might have something to do with the pain in my shoulder/neck. I'll have to invest in one of those special pillows...yeesh, I'm getting old.

But for the short meantime, there's a gathering of all us relieved post-grads tonight to celebrate the end of term and a squash game before that (where I will be trounced, alas). Tomorrow I may work, but tonight - I play!

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