Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Mornings and afternoons

We've been adding linseed (flax) to our morning oatmeal - which is the best breakfast food ever - cause hey, I'm 30, I figured I should start thinking like this. Anyway, it's nice and slightly nutty.

But you know what I miss? Red River cereal. If anyone has any out there, I'd appreciate a list of what's in it. I'm pretty sure flax was there, likely millet...I could make my own if I knew the rest. I also miss cream-of-wheat which we've searched for but can't find here. We did bring some back from Canada but went through it pretty fast.

Dear lord, I'm blogging about breakfast cereals. There is just no way to pass this off as anything but procrastination...


Troy D'Hondt said...
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Troy D'Hondt said...

You call yourself a researcher? Here is the Red River Cereal site with a list of ingredients.

And here is a link to a post about making it yourself.

Troy D'Hondt said...

Oh I should have added a smiley face into that last post :)

kaley said...

You are the awesome-est! Thanks Troy!!

Anonymous said...

Hey K & N.

Try sprinkling lethicin on yer oatmeal. Good yumyum stuff. Ups the protein of your breakfast too. Lethicin is known around hippy circles as "brain food", but really it's just a good way to get more protein. You can buy it in bulk from Loblaws, or (in the UK) trade 2 bangers and mash for a fortnight lorrie. Or something like that, I don't get teh lingo. Avoid the Buffy comic like the avian flu. I thought most of Season 7 was bad... It gets worse.