Tuesday, March 27, 2007

minor injuries

Within about two minutes of play on the basketball court on Sunday I was injured. Yup. Tragically, I jammed my finger the first time I tried to catch a 'pass'. It hurt like hell. I had no idea basketball was so dangerous. I think I'll stick to running. Amazingly, I haven't injured myself running. The swelling on my poor finger is pretty much gone but wow, did it ever swell up. And some impressive bruising has appeared all the way down to my palm. The annoying thing about the injury is that it hurt but wasn't debilitating...I mean, if I'm going to hurt my hands at this stage, it might as well be something that works as a legitimate excuse for an extension!

Logan managed to sneak out the open kitchen window the other day - we didn't realise until he frantically scrabbled at the door to get in. His tail was huge!! I don't know what scared him but he hasn't been that keen at the door since. Laila is still uninterested in the big world. She's become a most cuddly cat though still strange - this morning she ate some strawberry.

Virgin media has a new ad campaign right now featuring Uma Thurman. Initially, they were just celebrating how many times you could watch Uma's movies on Virgin (I think Richard Branson must be a fan), now they just seem to feature Uma rambling about rain. I'm not sure what the point is but I've lost any interest in watching her films. It's always funny when a commercial brings about the opposite reaction from what is intended.

The weather has been absolutely gorgeous the last two days - I'll say it quietly: I think it's spring!! Walking home from the library was lovely: the mist was back from the morning and the sky was watercolour wash with leftover sunshine. In spite of my general feeling that the day deserved a do-over, it was a pretty nice finish.

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