Saturday, September 09, 2006

kulcher studies: Swayze 101

Home again home again...I must be getting old - I just don't sleep anywhere as well as my own bed. But that does not take away from the wonderful time I had doing absolutely nothing at all at a friend's in Keighley last night. I overshot the train but Sue picked me up anyway (two stops along from where she was waiting!) and we visited with her sister, sister's husband and their two gorgeous boys, and Sue's parents. All of them - the salt of the earth.

Bottle of white, ice cream, couches and DVD later...we ended up having a Swayze-fest - unintentionally I swear! Dirty Dancing accompanied our gossiping - with many the comments thrown towards the telly as well (the blue cardigan! Johnny's preference for high-waisted pants - and why does he need to be half-naked to teach Baby how to dance? Guh-gung.). Then just as we were about to turn in, flicking innocently through the channels...Road House. Truly, one of the worst films ever made. Those of you who haven't seen it - and who enjoy a bit of kulcher - go rent now. The only redeeming factor - and he just can't save it - is Sam Elliot: what a voice. Like James Earl Jones in Field of Dreams, which made me love baseball (momentarily), Sam Elliot makes me believe that I really could get westerns. Back to the story: Road House features the single most bizarre conclusion I have ever seen - including 2001: A Space Odessey. It's almost worth it just for that - and for the fact that the Swayze can rip people's throats out with his bare hands. I think it might be an homage to Bruce Lee - a bad one, yes.

And I've realised that I didn't, in fact, put up two posts in one day...see what being alone does to me?

Thus, delightfully, concluded the Week From Hell - in which our heroine doubted herself, struggled, persevered, slept badly, and broke out in zits.

Oh yes, once again, my wonderful supervisor was wonderful. She did give me a minor bolloxing about letting her know what was going on with me in the future - and handing writing in on time. But overall, the meeting was great - she said she was enjoying my chapter!!

And so begins a new adventure in which our heroine, newly inspired by her own wrongfully-doubted intelligence, WILL write the rest of the chapter, WILL get a new membership at the gym, WILL struggle and persevere (and hopefully sleep better). And will also hopefully appease her very disgruntled cat...

By the way, the weather has turned! September might just be my favourite month ever...

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