Monday, September 18, 2006

out on the weekend

Yesterday was really our first Sunday without The Restaurant or any insane emotional episodes or stress. So we had a perfect day...But I'm getting ahead of myself cause we really did have a rather good weekend.

Friday night my department hosted a welcome-do for new faculty and invited us lowly PGs along. Free food and wine - in other words, there were a lot of us there. Unfortunately as I was upstairs in the cluster agonizing over the title for a paper the abstract of which I was in the process of sending, I missed most of the food. But luckily, the wine was still flowing. Several hours later, having judged enough of the wine to have been drunk to justify us leaving a free wine zone, we trooped off to a pub to continue the evening (even more) informally. Then, for reasons that definitely escape me now, we decided it was indeed a wonderful idea to go back to G's to continue the discussion (I forget now what it was!) accompanied by gin. Gin, while it may in some ways resemble love, is simply never a good idea. It was good gin (thanks Edel!) but any gin, I've decided, poured by someone already half in the bag, is not a good idea.

Thus Saturday morning was a bit fuzzy. My gardening mate got me up off the couch in the afternoon and we went up to garden - tomatoes everywhere! And still mountains of salad. We pulled up the courgettes, which were looking a bit dusty and spidery, and the dwarf beans, which were likewise a bit tired. They had served us well. Our pumpkins, alas, will definitely not be ready for Thanksgiving and the great pie bake-off (more of which later I'm sure). Nas meanwhile got to play golf with another G (score: 100). We all met up at ours - Logan was delighted with the company - had tea, a bottle of wine, and psyched ourselves up for...

Send More Paramedics.

Fan-bloody-tastic. And I can't honestly say that zombie-core is my kind of music. I can't honestly say that I could tell the difference between the songs. But the band was amazing - the crowd loved it. I won't give away our friend's name or mild-mannered alter-ego though...

Sunday: finally someone made us lunch! And G and I again destroyed the boys in euchre. We were later the losers in Kub in the park. That evening, we even went to see a film. How perfectly Sunday. It was A Scanner Darkly. It was interesting. I was supposed to go and see it last week with friends but missed it then - I'm not sure how I felt. It was very strange. My friend who is much more expert with sci-fi/fantasy than I did mention that it was quite close to the original story by Philip K. Dick. I'll have to give it more thought.

And that was the weekend. Today I was at the library at 9am for more training...I think I get it. I've only been working in libraries for three years! Our friend is moving to London this week - I'm going to down welcome her. Just learned that it's London fashion week though...ugh...

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