Thursday, September 28, 2006

post road trip blues

having sucessfully travelled hundreds of miles along the M1 (with frequent and luxurious rest stops/bathroom trips/coffee breaks) we have arrived back in Leeds, flush with the joys of outdoor sleeping and much rambling about an Aristocratic English Estate, where we feasted our eyes upon a whole spectrum of exotic animals and valuable furnishings.

E and P (a boy/girlfriend duo) were our company, and E drove the distance, while P and Kales fell asleep in the back seat. i rode shotgun on the way up, bothering everyone with my choice of music. (who among you has a favorite road trip mixtape? can i get your playlists?)

i cannot resist those vending machine toys that you find at roadside stops - the red monster truck above is the fruit of my obsession. i also earned one of those joke telescopes that leaves a black ring around your eye if you are so gullible as to hold it to your face. (many years ago, i was obsessed with Kinder-egg toys, until the day i looked at my bureau and thought, 'all that stuff has cost me seventy dollars. i could buy lots of better things for seventy dollars.' and the mighty collection went to charity)

we camped in what wasn't much more than a grassy parking lot. but after Leeds and London and Toronto this month, it felt like the top of Kilimanjaro. the ground was hard, and the mornings were cold enough to make getting up to pee a debatable issue - a perfect, bracing start to any day!

many inane games were played and much of the conversation revolved around bodily functions - and it was an absolutely fantastic road trip which i am sad to asy has ended. now, it's work work work until the fat guy in the red suit tells me it's time to go home.

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